Guide naturiste

Kenfig Burrows aka Sker Beach


Kenfig Burrows aka Sker Beach

Lat: 51.514053 / Long: -3.753278
Google mapsOpenStreetMap (fiets)


  • Marseille 1517 Km / 13:51
  • Milan 1578 Km / 14:54
  • Paris 730 Km / 08:18

Photos des visiteurs

Opinions et impressions de visiteurs sur Kenfig Burrows aka Sker Beach

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My girl friend Tina, her twin sister Marie and I visited Sker beach for the first time today. Seen some naked people around on the far end of the beach and before you could say anything Marie had her cloths off. I was stund, never seen her naked before. I can now confirm that they are definitely identical. Tina joined in quickly after and was calling me to do the same. In a mad moment I too was naked, never done this before. At first, I would describe my experience as frightening, but after a while the feeling was exhilarating. We walked the full length of the beach twice, passing other beach users and dog walkers. People seemed happy to stop and talk to us. We had a few dips in the sea and some sun bathing before we headed home. Marie was a bit wild on the day, hope she does so again soon. I had a day I'II never forget.
Robert Williams | 10-08-2022

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